沭阳县宇宙干花工艺品厂位于中国花木第一乡沭阳县新河镇 我厂专业生产(干花切枝)工艺品,天然植物,使生产的工艺品保持原有的特色,并加之漂色定型,生产的产品更具有观赏价值.我工厂已逐步形成“公司+农户+基地”的产、供、销一体化的的经营模式,我基地具有种植干花的自然、区位和无污染的优势。 主打产品以:叶脉花、龙柳.云龙柳、龙(须)柳.龙桑、三叉木、迎客松.红杉松.曲柳.直升柳.银柳.棕树.红瑞木.芦苇杆.蒲棒.藤条.竹子.铁叶等几十个品种。 本厂始终以诚信为企业的根本,注重信誉、注重产品的创新领先,严把质量关。我们的服务宗旨是客户不分大小、进货不分多少、客户可根据自身需要任意订购花材、原料、半成品、成品,,也可来样定做,我们负责代办托运。现已和很多客商建立长期合作关系, 宇宙干花工艺品厂热忱欢迎新老客户来电来涵定购!
ShuYang JiangSu China Universe Driedflowers Hangiwork Factory Our factory produce many kinds of driedflowers and some other natural plants.We do our best to make the products keep its substaintial distinguishing quality and make it more and more beautiful .Our factory have tight compact with the farmers and their earth,We use the one-in-all run mode of produce ,process and sale.The base of our factory has many advantages such as the location ,free from contamination and so on .We mainly produce cloud-dragon willow,meander belt willow ,reed,ternary tree and so on .Besides,we also run some plants such as cane ,bamboo,white willow,pine.From beginning to Tel:0527_3391357 13773920131 E_mail:weiliangyu3391357@126.com |